Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 3, 2018

Kora Network (PreICO)

Connecting people, communities, and capital.

Kora Network is an infrastructure for inclusive community owned financial systems. We provide the tools needed to build a self-sustaining, community-owned ecosystem for circulating and accumulating capital within a community. This includes the ability to validate identity, and to use that identity to store, transfer, or lend money, to make payments, and to provide or access value-added services like lending, marketplaces, benefit distribution and digital education, even without internet access or a smartphone through channels like SMS or USSD.

About Kora Network

Kora Ecosystem
Our blockchain stores identity and transactions, runs software modules, and connects to other blockchains while preserving user privacy. We use Tendermint DPoS as a consensus algorithm, allowing for scalability while maintaining decentralization. The blockchain is secured by the Kora Network Token (KNT).
eFiat are digital versions of national currencies that users understand and trust. They are 100% backed by cash reserves, and redeemable on a 1:1 basis.
CVNs empower users to pool capital for lending or investment, social assistance, financial education and other services.






BTC : nhanvan3
TELEGRAM: @vnbfot
ETH: 0x6CE67007a671CbD1FBC705a7c798339EfcC5aeB0
NEO: AUUACmQaGfbkGcb59H2g1qdEkQwmAdkvmj

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